The New Nation

1787 to Civil War

Geoffry Brown as Edwin Forrest

Table of Contents:

Full text Monologues are below table of contents.

Dolley Madison: Creates the role of First Lady.

The Adams Curse: John Quincy Adams's fragile wife, Louisa Adams, vs. his domineering mother, Abigail Adams.

Washington Irving's Southern Tale: The author spins a fantastic but true story of incest and miscegenation in a leading Virginia family.

Da Ponte in America: Mozart's librettist Lorenzo Da Ponte tries to put his bad-boy days behind him and become a respectable US citizen.

Edwin Forrest: The actor's rivalry with William Macready leads to the riot in 1849 at Astor Place, NYC, in which 22 die.

Sam Houston: The hero of Texas' independence and the state's first govenor refuses to join the Confederacy.

Fanny Kemble: An English actress marries a US slave holder and rebels at his treatment of the plantation's slaves.

John C. Fremont and the flag: The disasterous winter journey of 1848 to try and find a railroad route across the mountains of southern Colorado.

Nathaniel Hawthorne: Hiding from Satan. The author finds he is not suited to commune life at Brook Farm.

Horace Greeley: The famous and famously eccentric editor of The New York Tribune rides high until he runs for President.

Hetty Greene: The Witch of Wall Street, the richest woman in America, still wears hand-me-down clothes.

William Seward: Lincoln's Secretary of State tries to help him deal with "the Negro question."

The Booth Curse: The rivalry between John Wilkes Booth and his brother, Edwin, leads to the tragedy at Ford's Theater

Julia Ward Howe: Should the famous poet and suffragist, the symbol of respectability, reveal the truth of her home life?

Kosmos: Walt Whitman, before, during, and after the Civil War, an autobiographical arrangement of his writings.

Dolley Madison monologue proof.pdf
The Adams Curse proof.pdf
Washington Irving's Southern Tale monologue proof .pdf
Da Ponte in America.pdf
Edwin Forrest monologue proof.pdf
Sam Houston monologue proof.pdf
Fanny Kemble monologue proof.pdf
Fremont and the Flag part 1.pdf
Fremont and the Flag part 2.pdf
Nathaniel Hawthorne proof.pdf
Horace Greeley proof.pdf
Hetty Green monologue proof.pdf
William Seward, Lincoln, Slavery, and the Union proof.pdf
The Booth Curse proof.pdf
Julia Ward Howe monologue proof.pdf
Kosmos by Walt Whitman monologue proof.pdf